Pre-Purchase & Quality Verification
Pre-Purchase Appraisals protect your investment and provide peace of mind so you feel confident and assured in purchasing fine jewelry.
Appraisal reports from accredited and independent jewelry appraisers can increase the Fair Market Value of fine jewelry. We provide an unbiased, easily understood written or oral jewelry verification report, including details of material, quality, and value, for an accurate evaluation of fair pricing and quality.
When You Need a Pre-Purchase or Quality Verification Report:
- Before purchasing items to ensure value and quality
- Before selling items to document value and quality
- Inherited or recently purchased jewelry
- Insurance coverage and claims*
- Tax or estate purposes

Pre-Purchase and Quality Verification Reports provide accurate Replacement Value, Fair Market Value, or other valuation depending on your specific needs. *If appraisal is for insurance purposes, your insurance company may require you to update your appraisal periodically, typically every 3-5 years.
Pricing List
Gem ID (1-2 stones) $45.00 per stone
Verbal Evaluation/Report Verification/Gem ID (several stones) $225.00 per hour (1/2 hour minimum fee)
Travel and equipment set up $95.00 per hour*
Useful for sorting mixed costume and fine jewelry lots, Buyer / Seller education
*Local travel only. Fee estimate can be provided at the start of the assignment. For long distance travel please call to discuss pricing.